Noynoying, in courtesy for those who heard the word for the first time, are gestures used to mimic the inaction or the “laziness” of the president in addressing various issues of the country like surging oil prices. This includes PNoy’s relaxed sitting and smoking position and the copied popular 500-peso bill gesture of his father. It was featured today (March 15, 2012) by the group of youth protesters who joined PISTON, along with KMU and some other leftists, to stage the transport caravan. Noynoying is exclusive to the Philippines and is shown for the first time to the general public on the said event.
Before Noynoying, planking was been widely used by the youth to stage protest against tuition fee increase, social and political issues, or even just for the sake of having fun. But when a lawmaker started to write a bill to ban planking, its popularity dipped down. So the youth are looking for an alternative and they found the president’s actions and gestures as good subject to emulate.

When this reach to the knowing of Edwin Lacierda, the presidential spokesperson, his statement was – the public won’t buy it. But I will say – it is premature to utter that. Let us wait for some weeks to see the results. In fact, as of this writing, two Facebook pages bearing “Noynoying” had been created but each has less than a hundred likes.

Unpleasant may seem seeing the president being ridiculed but we cannot control the outburst of the citizens. If this is one of their creative means to get noticed, they’ll surely utilize it. It is equally throbbing finding out the president relaxing despite of the social and financial turmoil we are experiencing.
Portrayal of Noynoying made me remember the not so distant past. Partying while half of the nation is being ravaged by Sendong and reacted only when the public noticed of such inaction was making him the push-button president. He is the man who had written or worked the least while he was still in the Congress or the Senate. Being a chain smoker is not a good example and making a promise to stop when he’ll win the presidency but then finally broke it is a worst one.
So Sir, you have no one to blame if these gestures become popular but yourself.
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