Tag: San Pedro Cutud

Witnessing Crucifixions and Penitence in San Pedro Cutud, Pampanga

I jestingly invited my friends to witness the live crucifixions and penitential rites in San Pedro Cutud an eve prior to the village’s annual Lenten programs. Unknowingly, one of them ( Mico) had seriously taken the invitation. Since I was prying too of seeing these individuals nailed on the cross, I set our rendezvous and met at 9:00AM (which was previously scheduled at 11:00AM). It was pesky knowing that Genesis Bus in Pasay has suspended its travel operations during Good Friday, so we walked further and tried Five Star Bus in Tramo Street. Unfortunately, they had no trips going or ... Read more

Two Foreign Students Willing to be Crucified for their Thesis

I was quite surprised when I saw two foreign women carrying their cross in the San Pedro Cutud’s annual “Via Crucis”. Both were in shades while one of them was in boots. They were given permit only to film the rites however they angered the organizers when they took part of the procession by bearing their own cross. In Shades? Eventually, they were not allowed to reach the “Mount Calvary” nor permitted to be crucified. [one_third] Assisted [/one_third] [two_third_last] A foreign student carrying a cross in San Pedro Cutud, San Fernando, Pampanga for their thesis [/two_third_last] Foreigners were banned from ... Read more