Ripping the band aid off

We are humans. As humans, we feel. When we are happy, we smile, we laugh. When we are sad, we cry. When we hurt, we bleed. And when I bleed, I put a band aid on wherever the wound is. I don’t like seeing the wound, I don’t like seeing the blood. I don’t want to see a reminder of the hurt.

So yes, I’m an advocate of putting a band aid on it. No matter how small a wound is, no matter how obstructed from sight it is, put a band aid on it. Doesn’t matter if the wound is mine or someone else’s, I don’t want to see your wound, so put a band aid on it. Put a band aid on it until it heals. Until you are sure there’s no more blood, no more wound. If your wound left a scar, make sure it’s fully healed. Healed enough that seeing it doesn’t bother you anymore. Healed enough that you’re sure the wound won’t reopen and cause you to bleed again.

Ripping off the band aid requires perfect timing. So when is the right time to rip it off? How do you know when you’re ready? How do you know when you are fully healed? Scar or no scar, how do you know when it’s time?