Tag: Samsung

Samsung Galaxy S4 Exclusive Features

There are lot of smartphones competing in the market. For the first quarter of 2013 alone, five major flagship phones were released. Blackberry made a big return with its Z10. Sony trailed closely with the dust- and waterproof Xperia Z. LG stayed on the competition bearing the Optimus G flag.  The Taiwanese manufacturer recently surprised the gadget enthusiasts with HTC One ultrapixel. Samsung, on the other hand, wowed the world with Galaxy S4. Of course, we can not negate the existence of iPhone 5 and Nokia’s Lumia920 which were launched in the previous year. These smartphones have their own signature features ... Read more

Samsung Announces 5.8-inch and 6.3-inch Galaxy Mega

Nearly a month after the unveiling of the company’s newest flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S4, Samsung introduces another phablet series that combines both the viewing convenience of a tablet and the portability of a smartphone, the Galaxy Mega. Galaxy Mega comes in two versions; the bigger yet thinner 6.3 version and the smaller and lighter 5.8 version. We are aware of a great potential in the bigger screen for extensive viewing multimedia, web browsing, and more. We are excited to provide another choice to meet our consumers’ varying lifestyles, all while maintaining the high-quality features of the award-winning GALAXY series. ... Read more

Unboxing Samsung Galaxy SIII mini, Free from Globe Unlidata Plan 999

I have been always reluctant to apply for a postpaid plan because I am not consuming too much monthly load for calls, texts, and internet. I already have a performing HTC Explorer which I can connect to my office’s or to my neighbor’s WiFi network. I can also subscribe to unlimited services (call, text, or data) whenever I want to. Also, It is prepaid so I don’t have to worry for monthly obligations. So what made me decide to take that UnliData Plan offer? There are two factors, actually. First, I am a blogger so I have to constantly stay ... Read more

Play Angry Birds without ‘Touching’ on Samsung Smart TVs

Samsung Electronics officially announces the first motion-controlled angry birds App for its Smart TVs. Angry Birds is one of the most popular smartphone game apps worldwide with over a billion download. Photo Credit: Samsung Tomorrow Conventionally, Angry Birds is played by touch-drag-release control scheme to fire a slingshot. But with Samsung Smart TV you can do it remotely without touching the TV screen. The game will respond to the gamer’s gestures to set off the slingshot and activate each bird’s unique abilities. Samsung Smart TV will become the first TV to offer the world’s most popular game and set a ... Read more

Pocket Projector: Bundled with Samsung Galaxy Beam

A cellphone with a built-in project was a just dream few years ago. Now, it is completely a reality when Samsung Electronics released Samsung Galaxy Beam. The phone was announced two years ago as Samsung I8520 Halo and was released last July 2010 in Singapore under a carrier contract with Starhub. Worldwide release was August of the same with its Singapore release, however, it is not making a big wave on the market maybe because of poor publicity. The phone is already available yet rarely seen on the market stands, and only few individuals are aware of such phone. In ... Read more