Tag: GoDaddy

Can I install FFmpeg to a shared hosting account?

What is FFmpeg? FFmpeg is a software containing libraries and programs used to handle video and audio files, a tool that decodes and then encodes these data. The most conventional use of FFmpeg is to stream and convert video or audio files from a larger format to a format that is lightly deliverable. It also means that the video format switches to another, depending on the device used to view the video file (for instance, 3gp or mp4 for mobile while flv or mkv for desktop). FFmpeg also generates video preview screens. If you would like to start a video ... Read more

What is Web Hosting Control Panel and How to use it – Beginners’ Guide

Web hosting control panel is a graphical user interface (GUI) which contains tools designed to simplify the process of hosting a website. These tools are generally group according to purpose and will depend on your hosting provider’s control panel setup. Usually, they are file and domain management tools, settings, stats and monitors, and databases. The file and domain management tools contain links to your File Manager and to your DNS Manager. The File Manager allows you create, edit, and upload files to your website. This also allows you to set permissions (read, write, or both) to your directories or folders. If ... Read more